Our Work
We Need a MAPS 4 Agreement All Residents Can Benefit From
VOICE was involved in supporting MAPS 4 human and community-centered projects like mental health facilities, upgrades to neighborhood parks, sidewalks and youth centers. Now, the group hopes to see an agreement that benefits all residents.
Questions about Extending MAPS 4 Solely for More Arena Funding
Fr. Luschen adds, “How will construction of the arena benefit average Oklahoma City families? For example, can we build in a living wage for arena workers? [H]ow will this project help regular families in our city?”
VOICE pushes to add social components to MAPS 4
VOICE leaders pushed for the social components to be included and is backing the MAPS 4 package.
VOICE pushes for MAPS 4 benefiting all city residents
“I think people have seen the impact that MAPS has had downtown,” Craghead said. “But they also see, in their daily lives, so many things that are still lacking.”