Our Work
Clergy Oppose Latest Immigration Bill
Oklahoma religious leaders are speaking out in strong opposition to HB 4156. The letter, created by VOICE clergy and signed by 22 pastors across Oklahoma, was delivered to Senate Pro Tempore Greg Treat and Governor Kevin Still today.
Alarms Sound on SCOTUS Case Challenging CFPB Funding
On October 3, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a case whose outcome could severely weaken the CFPB and its capacity to protect everyday consumers from unfair and abusive financial practices.
Questions about Extending MAPS 4 Solely for More Arena Funding
Fr. Luschen adds, “How will construction of the arena benefit average Oklahoma City families? For example, can we build in a living wage for arena workers? [H]ow will this project help regular families in our city?”
VOICE: Story on Escalating Fines Is Not Unique, but Systemic
This situation underscores the reality of expecting a population of Oklahomans that is mostly impoverished to fund critical services of the county and state government. Why do we make the path back to productive community membership more difficult?
OG&E deal commits customers to pay $1 billion
VOICE leaders are deeply concerned that the Corporation Commission Public Utilities Division, OG&E, and other interveners have an agreement for fuel charges related to the February 2021 freeze that sticks consumers with $1 billion in fuel charges and interest payments for the next 28 years while OG&E continues to increase its dividend to shareholders.
City pays lawyers while homelessness persists
The OKC ordinance criminalizing panhandling has reached its inevitable end: The city has to pay lawyers for a lost legal battle. “It is sad that we did not heed the work of social service agencies and other citizens groups to craft a workable solution that would have avoided this costly situation,” said Fr. Tim Luschen, president of the VOICE Education Fund.
VOICE calls for Corporation Commission to rehear AT&T case
VOICE leaders will ask the Corporation Commission to reconsider a 25-year old decision on phone rates that was allowed to stand after bribery in the case led to two people going to federal prison.
VOICE receives the Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher Diversity Award
Oklahoma Bar Association awards VOICE the Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher Diversity Award.