Make your VOICE heard.
Citizens’ Agenda of Issues
We are looking for 5,000 voters who support this agenda and will vote for candidates who will work with us for it! Can you be one of those voters?
Below is our agenda of issues, which arises out of talking to one another - in our congregations, our parent groups, our organizations - and listening to the challenges we face in our daily lives.
Reform Criminal Justice Fines and Fees
Move the state away from dependence on fines and fees on indigent individuals for its criminal justice infrastructure and toward funding of the courts and law enforcement through the state budget.
Ensure existing systems for paying and recording payments, as well as options for waiving and reducing fines and fees work as intended.
End Predatory Lending
End predatory lending, including payday and car title loans, through national and state regulations capping APRs at 36 percent, extending the protection currently given to active military in the 2015 Military Lending Act to all Americans.
Support regulators, including the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, in developing effective consumer protection rules and enforcing them.
Improve Public Education
Assure that Oklahoma public schools have the resources needed to educate the state’s children equitably and well.
Support educators in their work to provide quality public education for all students, including fair pay for professionals, reasonable class sizes, and respect for their profession.
Work to ensure immigrant families are supported and welcomed in the public schools.
Strengthen Housing Security and Improve Conditions
Prevent unjust and unneeded evictions from rental housing.
Improve conditions in public housing.
Expand access to affordable housing
Expand Access to Mental Health Services
Increase access to mental health programs.
Decriminalize and destigmatize mental health.
Hold Public Utility Monopolies and Regulators Accountable
Ensure public utility monopolies make decisions based on the common good.
Hold regulators - including the Oklahoma Corporation Commission - accountable for regulating utilities and protecting consumers.
Ensure transparency in decision-making related by regulated utilities and the Corporation Commission.
Support Immigrants in Oklahoma to Have a Dignified Life
Expand Access to Drivers’ Licenses to ITIN Holders
Win acceptance for parish IDs among law enforcement.