Our Work
Candidates Focus on Issues in VOICE Accountability Session
Candidates for the OK House District 88 race appeared at a candidate forum at First Unitarian Church. Local grassroots organization VOICE hosted the forum and framed questions from stories they've heard in their listening sessions.
VOICE Clergy & Others Share Concerns on Immigration Law
“Oklahoma organizations are already planning to challenge the legislation in the courts,” . . . stated the Rev. Lori Walke, senior minister at Mayflower Congregational United Church of Christ.
Faith Leaders Speak Out Against Immigration Bill
“Immigration is one of those issues, unfortunately, that is used [as] something [to] get people stirred up for voting ... and that there's very little real interest in solving the issues, as we can see what happened with Senator Lankford.”
Bringing the Voice of Families to Immigration Debate
At a VOICE press conference led by VOICE clergy Fr. Tim Luschen and Rev. Dr. Lori Walke, St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church leader Irma Palacios urged lawmakers to remember the people as they debate the politics of immigration.
VOICE se pronuncia en contra de la HB 4156
Líderes Irma Palacios, P. Tim Luschen y la Rev. Dra. Lori Walke hablan en una conferencia de prensa de VOICE.
Jabee and Dan Straughan to be honored at VOICE Gala
“I can’t think of two leaders who more deserve our recognition,” said Heather Sparks, VOICE board member and treasurer of the VOICE Education Fund. “Our city is better for their presence and work.”
Fines & Fees Collections Shift Funds Away from Court Services
The poorest Oklahomans inevitably fall behind on their payments and are victim to an endless cycle of bench warrants, arrests, driver’s license suspensions and incarceration, thus exacerbating the state’s incarceration problem.
We Need a MAPS 4 Agreement All Residents Can Benefit From
VOICE was involved in supporting MAPS 4 human and community-centered projects like mental health facilities, upgrades to neighborhood parks, sidewalks and youth centers. Now, the group hopes to see an agreement that benefits all residents.
AG Drummond Agrees to File Lawsuit Related to 2021 Storm
Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond says he is prepared to file the largest lawsuit in state history to recoup billions of dollars in natural gas costs from a 2021 winter storm, which left Oklahoma ratepayers with significantly higher utility bills.
OKC Archdiocese Part of Transformational Program
Since the [Recognizing the Stranger] program commenced, there's been "nativism, growing tensions on the border, polarized politics, the COVID-19 pandemic, a major economic recession and gun violence," said [VOICE President Fr. Tim] Luschen . . . The new program responded amid it all by fulfilling the pope's call "to listen to others, to see others."
The day Pope Francis welcomed community organizers
When Pope Francis launched his newly invigorated process for the Synod of Bishops in 2021, he challenged Catholics worldwide to “become experts in the art of encounter, . . . For decades, members of the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) . . . have been experts in such an art.”
IAF Organizing Strategies Called upon by Pope Francis
When Pope Francis launched his newly invigorated process for the Synod of Bishops in 2021, he challenged Catholics worldwide to “become experts in the art of encounter, . . . For decades, members of the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) . . . have been experts in such an art.”
State handling of 2021 winter storm bills questioned
VOICE leader Eric Jergensen: “What we see in this event is not so much purchasing gas but a massive wealth transfer between the population of Oklahoma as a whole and a few well-placed individuals. The adults in the room did nothing to stop it.”
The teacher pipeline in Oklahoma is breaking
With teacher shortages already hammering school districts, local colleges said that they don’t even have enough students who want to be teachers . . . . "The pipeline is unfortunately slowing to a trickle. . . . " [said Heather Sparks, director of teacher education at OCU and a VOICE leader].
VOICE Leaders Speak Out at Jan. 6 Anniversary Vigil
"And I don't think that has been fully addressed, how many people saw this as an assault and not just against this country, not just against our seat of government and our democracy and free elections, but against their life's work," said the Rev. Diana Davies, of the First Unitarian Church in Oklahoma City.
Questions raised about OCC conflicts of interest
“The rubber stamping so quickly has me worried that this world is just too cozy between regulators and the companies they’re supposed to be watching,” said Steven Goldman, a member of VOICE, a coalition of groups that have come together to advocate for Oklahoma City-area residents.
OK Corporation Commission is failing us
The OCC fails to look ahead to reducing repeated problems, and enforcing transparency. Although commissioners have the expertise and data to create solutions, the OCC priority has been getting money to utilities, rather than a "balance" to protect consumers. When
VOICE responds to ONG’s proposed “opt-out” fee
Utilities proposed “solution” does nothing to prevent similar future situations that are sure to arise as storms like this continue to increase in number, and holds no one accountable for the poor decisionmaking.
VOICE opposes extra fees and price hikes from ONG
We didn’t upgrade any infrastructure, we didn’t weatherize anything, we didn’t put caps on natural gas,” [VOICE leader Singer] said. “This could all happen again tomorrow. [Our utility companies] left themselves very exposed to broken commodity markets and they need to share in that burden and be held accountable.”
OKC ordered to pay $990K for lost panhandling case VOICE championed
Oklahoma City was ordered to pay the opposing attorney’s fees and expenses in a total amount of nearly $1 million in a suit brought against the City for their panhandling ordinance of 2015, an ordinance VOICE fought against.